Saturday, May 16, 2020

Emotional Scene From Stranger Things - 1261 Words

In a particularly emotional scene from Stranger Things, Eleven and Will flashback to a moment in which they cope with the absence of parental guidance. While Eleven looks at a drawn family picture in her solitary room, Will blares music to drown out fighting. Similarly, both children have comparable experiences when they switch places. As Eleven crosses into reality and Will moves into the upside down, the children find their new environments fearful. After escaping from Hawkins Lab, Eleven’s fear of the unknown reality causes a lack of trust towards the people she encounters. While trying to explain where she comes from, Eleven continuously says, â€Å"Bad.† Because her surroundings are new, she does not have the ability, nor the knowledge, to be more specific. As people initially observe her, they think of innocence; however, they should be thinking of vulnerability and peril. After causing the death of an innocent restaurant owner, Benny, Eleven realizes that she bri ngs danger despite her attempt at leaving it behind. Similar to Eleven, Will Byers develops a constant fear of the unknown after unexpectedly leaving his world. Since the upside down represents the dark side of reality, Will’s new environment becomes the place that Eleven tries so desperately to leave. Just like Eleven hides from ordinary people, Will attempts to develop similar survival tactics. In order to bring a sense of safety to the toxic atmosphere, Will takes shelter in a fort seen in episode one. CastleShow MoreRelatedThings Fall Apart, And The Heart Of Darkness1518 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction The following essay will contain a critical analysis of two passages from Things Fall Apart, and the Heart of Darkness. I will compare and contrast the narrative structure, the language used and the themes explored. 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