Saturday, December 28, 2019

What Is The State Of The Conceptual And Content-Based...

What is the state of the conceptual and content-based literature related to your research question: Does where an adolescent live affect the sexuality education they receive in school? How does this literature help you approach this question? What deficiencies exist in the literature that remain to be addressed, ideally by your research? When considering the geography of sexuality education, the reason the school district chose the curriculum it does was complex. There were seven reasons that I considered. These reasons were funding, religion, community input, student need and desire, rural/urban differences, income, and socio-economic status. I broke my research into three separate categories of research as well. The role of place, the†¦show more content†¦Socio-economic status, income variations, race, and ethnicity play a role in access. Lack of resources, lack of funding, and the inability to reach resources were all part of the complicated issue of inequalities as well. The concept of place played a very explicit role in separating people politically and administratively (Arcaya, Arcaya, Subramanian, 2015). Considering these concepts of place, the role of place provided a social construct for schools, school districts, and the social relationships between schools and students. These place relationships were complex in that students connected with their schools daily and had a social relationship with their school that was interactive. The human-landscape relationship between them was one of development and evolution. As the students grew so did the school because it had to adapt to the needs of the students. The school district was also looking to improve the well-being of the students through curriculum. The school’s history and community was also an essential part of the dynamic of the school. The marginalization of students was always a possibility by leaving students out that feel like they do not belong. Inclusion was an important part of school policy, social relationships, and the community feeling. When considering curriculum on sexuality education, a common concept with each paper was the type of sexuality education. Though each paper within the literature referred toShow MoreRelatedCritiquing A Qualitative Research Article1612 Words   |  7 Pages Critiquing a Qualitative Research Article Erinma Obioha South University Critiquing a qualitative research article Nurses are required to base their practice on evidence-based research. Therefore, it is essential for nurses to develop the skills necessary to analyze a research article. Critiquing a research article helps nurse judge the creditability of the information presented. This essay reviews a qualitative study titled â€Å"Factors Associated With Aggressive Behavior AmongRead MoreLiterary Language And Everyday Language1530 Words   |  7 PagesLiterary Language and Everyday Language What is a Language? 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Assessment of core competencies for Verizon Corp.

Executive Summary In order to identify Verizons core competencies, a SWOT and Five Forces analysis was performed. The SWOT analysis showed internal strengths in technology diversification, a large and talented employee resource pool, and an expansive network footprint. Internal weaknesses were revealed that centered on post merger issues such as corporate culture issues, impending workforce retirements, and a lack of systems or process consolidation. External opportunities include the potential to further capitalize on incumbent status, diverse markets, long distance, and brand identity. Finally, external threats include government regulation, substitution, and a weak economy. The Five Forces analysis revealed that entry barriers have†¦show more content†¦- Support systems - Many support systems in the former Bell Atlantic, Nynex, and GTE territories have yet to be consolidated. This leads to inefficient resource allocation that does not provided the synergistic benefits that are supposed to be realized with a merger. - Processes - In many ways, Verizon is still three companies (Bell Atlantic, Nynex, and GTE). Although Verizon has consolidated and standardized some of their processes, there is still a lot of room for improvement. Opportunities An external opportunity is a, ... major favorable situation in a firms environment (Pearce Robinson, 2002). Verizons opportunities include:  § Incumbent status - In most areas, Verizon has been the incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) for half a century. For decades, Verizon did not have to contend with competition of any kind. This has given Verizon a solid foothold on the industry that new competitive local exchange carriers (CLEC) must contend with.  § Diverse markets - Telecommunications markets can local, regional, or global. Furthermore, customer can include residential, business, and government markets.  § Long distance - Due to regulatory restrictions, Verizon was once not allowed to offer long distance services in the former Bell Atlantic territories. These restrictions have been eased and Verizon has been approved to provide long distance in 11 of the 14 former Bell Atlantic states. TheShow MoreRelatedCase 1 Fordlandia2871 Words   |  12 PagesMotor 97,384 96,293 96,115 94,105 91,493 90,382 86,429 84,649 83,994 83,268 81,078 80,515 80,487 Hewlett-Packard Nissan Motor Fortis Egypt, Arab Rep. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Washing Dishes free essay sample

Washing Dishes Cleaning dishes doesnt look like a difficult Job to accomplish, but doing It Is another story. First start by scraping off all the extra food Into a garbage can or a disposal, so there wont be any messes and It would be a lot easier to clean. Soak the dishes In some warm water and soap for about five minutes. While that Is happening, get out a dish rack and a towel to dry the dishes.After the five minutes are up, drain the sink from all the water. Get a wet sponge and start scrubbing the dishes, get all the extra food of the object. Turn the water faucet on and start rinsing the dish thoroughly, making sure there Is nothing left and Its spotless. Place the dish on to the dish rack and repeat this process for the rest of the dishes left In the sink. We will write a custom essay sample on Washing Dishes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Get the towel out and dry the dishes until they are fully dry, not damp.Place all the dishes back into their proper places. Squeeze the sponge out into the sink to get the retained water out of the sponge and place it under the sink. Drain the water that may have been left on the dish rack; wipe the rack and place it neatly under the sink. Wipe down the entire sink and counter tops that have water on them with the towel you used for the dishes. After your finished toss the towel in the washing machine and youre done.